Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Someone asked me the other day why I blog. I didn't really have an answer for her. My only answer was I don't know really. Sometimes I just have something to say! But then she made me think...Why do I blog? Here is my answer!

I blog for this woman:

She is my mom! I have learned so much from her just by watching her. She taught me to stand up for myself and believe in myself. I didn't do either of those things for a very long time but lately I hear her voice in a lot that I do.

I blog for these people:

It never ceases to amaze me that I learn the most from them. The everyday life lessons that most people miss I learn just by watching my family grow. God uses every single day as a lesson. Those lessons I blog about so that maybe I can help someone else.

But mostly I blog for this girl right here:

This woman is me! I have a past, a present and a future that I am learning to embrace. God has given me a calling and a purpose and I intend to live it. Part of that calling is to minister to women and this is just one outlet. I am learning so much about being a woman, a mom, a daughter, a friend and an obedient follower of God.

I blog because it brings my heart joy to have someone say "I read your blog and it was just what I needed". I blog because I feel that God tells me to reach out in this forum to spread his love and his word and I want to be obedient to him. I blog because I have a passion for the heart of women. All types of women move my heart, the single moms staring into loneliness every night, the moms that stare into chaos most days, the single women waiting for mr. right and wondering if God is playing a cruel joke on them because he hasn't come along yet and the young women that need guidance from someone other than Miley, Brittany and Ferrah.

I blog because I know that God loves me and I want you to know that he loves you too!

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