Won't relent until you have it all. My heart is yours!
This is a line from a song sang by the ever popular band Jesus Culture (whom I LOVE by the way)! I will be throwing more lines from that song into this post. I got to see them LIVE with my good friend Heather some months back and have been A.D.D.I.C.T.E.D ever since. I compare every single band to them and every singer I hear to Kim Walker! That really has nothing to do with what is on my heart but I thought I would mention it anyway!
Won't relent until you have it all. My heart is yours!
But is your (my) heart really HIS or do you (we) surrender when it's convenient and popular and easy! That is something that has been on my heart. See this song just pricked something in me last night. The passsion that this song demands. The lyrics, the words, they reach deep down inside the innermost parts of my being and create a longing that I cannot put into words.
When I originally heard it I heard it like this... (YOU) won't relent until you have it all. My heart is yours. I heard that God would not relent. He wouldn't give up on me until he had my whole heart. He would hound and hound and hound and beg and beg and want and want until he broke me down and I finally gave my all then he could relax! I still liked it. It was still a good song, still touched my heart but then it happened.
MY REVELATION (noone else's....just mine)
(I) WON'T RELENT UNTIL HE HAS IT ALL. MY HEART IS HIS. 100% of the time. In the secret parts of my life, my heart will be his. In the most public parts of my life, my heart will be his. In the most difficult times of my life, my heart will be his. James 1 says "5If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. 6But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. 7Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do." Wow, how many of us does that describe? We are God's favorite. We are blessed and highly favored. We are standing on the rock of salvation. Then life happens and suddenly we are crying "Father, Father, why have you forsaken me?" We are wondering why this is happening. We are updating our FB post with gloom, despair and pictures of puppies and kittens with their heads hanging low! That doesn't sound very stable to me. Sounds like some double minded folks. I think the saddest part is that we don't even realize it. We are just doing what we know to do to survive but where in the bible does it say that we as christians will just survive? I am pretty sure that Romans 8:37 says we are MORE than conquerors! Conquerors don't just survive they CONQUER. The definition I found for conquer was this...2.Successfully overcome!!!!! Hello...anyway, moving on!!
Come be the fire inside of me! Come be the flame inside my heart! Come be the fire inside of me until YOU AND I ARE ONE...
I have never understood that concept. Today I do! I have this fire burning inside my spirit, inside my soul. I long to know Jesus! I long for him to sit beside me and talk to me. Now, I realize that I was invited last night to join him for some reading but I didn't do it. It was 1:00am and I was so tired but couldn't sleep! I wanted to sleep so badly but God was telling me to come read Matthew. I would like to say I did it but I didn't. I forced myself to sleep and know that I missed some great alone time but I was embarrassed! I didn't want to tell Jason that God was telling me to do something! Isn't that silly? Immediate obedience causes revival in oneself. Obedience fans the flame! Will I mess up and miss it again...yea probably but not as much as before! UNTIL YOU AND I ARE ONE!! That is my hearts cry. To be one with Jesus is to be one with the person I was created to be. To be one with Jesus brings a peace beyond any understanding. Before I get comments about "already being one with Jesus" I understand that...I understand that I don't have to do ONE thing to be loved, to be at peace butthis is MY journey and MY walk. I know what MY oneness feels like :)
There's nothing I want more!There is nothing I want more. There is nothing I want more. There is nothing I want more! Nothing more than you Jesus! If I have said that once in the last 12 hours I have said it a million! Almost to the point that I have felt the holy ghost say "He heard you the first twelve times" but I can't stop saying it. IT IS TRUTH. There is nothing I want more! I will never persue another thing that will cause a separation in my heart and his. There will not be another job, another class, another book, another movie, another shopping trip...do you get it?? Nothing on this earth can quench this love, this thirst, this longing I have to be one with Jesus. When you look at me, talk to me, interact with me I want to know that you have look into the eyes of Jesus. I want to impact the world. MY WORLD. Not the millions around me but the 5 in my house! The 5 in NC that are the closest to my heart! The 3 that come to my house to experience book club! The ONE that runs with me everyday! The 299 on my FB page! There's nothing I want more than to be a living hope to those that feel hopeless! Watch out...I might get to preaching!! :)
Thank you God that you really won't relent either!
Happy Friday and for your entertainment I am going to try to include the link or video that has played in my head and heart for hours and hours! I am pretty sure that this is definately the BEST part of simplicity!!
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