Monday, January 2, 2012

Productive Maybe...Simple YES

So, just as I anticipated I spent the entire day thinking about more ways to live out this dream I have named "Simplicity". My work day was not the most productive since I was side tracked on several occassions by day dreams and great ideas. I was talking to a friend about my list of things I wanted to simplify and we laughed about the silliness of the order but I was quickly nudged by the holy ghost and sure enough God spoke up. See, I can put the list in the order that "world" would approve of OR I could put the list in the order that my heart really feels is important. That is the only way that I am going to do it really! Being true to what my heart desires. So, all you health nuts out there take a seat because my health may stay way down there at #10. I may not love this 25 pound overweight body BUT I am not so disgusted that it must move to #1 on my list. I have heavenly father and amazing husband that loves me just the way I moving on.

I actually found that I may just be able to work on EVERYTHING on my list at the same time which excites me beyond belief. To prove to myself that I could do that, here are few things that I did just today to move closer to living my simple and happy life...

About my finances: See I have had this constant battle within myself for years. This battle was about tithing. I know in my heart that tithing is the right thing to do. The word says it, so do it. Sounds so simple doesn't it? Well, for most it should be! But for my over analytical brain I have complicated it. When I first started attending church my excuse was "I need to learn more about it", then I learned more but what I learned was that you shouldn't tithe out of a heart of expectancy, meaning that because I tithe God owes me. I completely understood that and accepted that and loved that so I started tithing from a giving heart but when a financial crisis came and the God didn't come through (in my time and my way) I found myself mad at God and saying..I TITHE SO WHERE IS MY BLESSING..ouch! wrong attitude right? Needless to say, I just kept my money (along with my financial struggles). Within a few months I gave it another shot but there is always the question of "How much should I tithe?" I asked a friend once a few years back and her response was 10%. Thank you Captain Obvious. What I wanna know is 10% of what? Gross income, Net income, what is left after your bills are paid?? how much? what is the "rule"? Her response, "Do you want gross blessings or net blessings?" REALLLLYYY??? Forget it. I decided it was too complicated so I gave up. Another excuse to be selfish and rely on myself is what that was! I have settled this issue in my heart now and God and I have discussed this issue and I have the answer. I believe tithing is not an option. But, it is a personal thing between God, myself and my hubby but know that my check will be in offering plate without fail. First things first fruits will go to God. The rest of my finances will fall into place! Tomorrow, my intent is to write a budget and follow it. I will update everyone later :)

2. My Education: I contacted TN Tech today and took the first step to applying for Regents Online Classes. This is probably the scariest thing I have ever done but this is an area that will actually kill two birds with one stone (My Job will fall under this one too, part of it anyway). My goal? A bachelor's degree!! My degree will be Bachelor of Professional Studies with a concentration in Organizational Leadership. I will take 120 credit hours and it may take me 10 years but i am gonna do it. I am gonna succeed and you know why? "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" and "apart from him I can do nothing". God and I are going to take care of this one.

3. My Job: This one is easy. While I am getting to where I am going I simply have to decide to rise above the rest and take the high road. Sometimes, this is tough but I can and will do it. I am a great Customer Service Team Leader. I have a heart for people. I have God on my side. That's it.

4. My House and My Schedule: This one will take a minute! It has so many sub-titles. But today, I searched for simple dinner meals, organization ideas and had a heart to heart with my kiddos about chores and expectations. Tonight I will set my clock for 5:30am. Clothes will be laid out for tomorrow. Lunches will be partially packed. Backpacks in the car and shoes by the door. Please pray for me!

Since bedtime is quickly approaching I am going to be settled in what I have done today. Baby steps are enough for me! My heart feels so refreshed and excited with what I am accomplishing. Something I learned a while back..."The will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you" It is God's will that I have the desires of my heart and that is to have a simple happy life. His grace will protect me from myself when I try to sabotage my plan (like the way I twisted that to fit my personal agenda?)...


PS...anyone know of a simple way to write a budget??


  1. Love this! And you! write a budget...

    Decide if you want to do monthly/weekly..

    Total your income for that time period.
    Determine your giving amount for that time period.
    Determine the amount you will save (and stick it in a savings account ASAP--or it will disappear!)
    Determine your bills for that time period.
    Then, determine groceries, gas, childcare, clothing, entertainment, etc., etc. amounts that you will allot during that time period.

    If your out-go exceeds your income, rework your amounts in categories like clothing and entertainment so you're comfortable.

  2. Dave Ramsey's system taught us so much about finances and budgeting. Our income changes monthly so we have a running list based on priority. So like at the top would be tithe, food, shelter, transportation...then on down until the money runs out. The basics stay mostly the same every month, so once you get used to that, the extra part is all you have to really budget. :) It gets easier once you do a few months. :)
