Friday, November 9, 2012

5 Minute Friday: Quiet

March 1, 2012 changed my life. It was the day that my employer of 6 years decided that my services were no longer needed. They decided that my last 6 years of hard work and dedication meant nothing and my sincere adoration of my job was no longer of their concern.

Since that day, I have had lots of days of quiet.

During those quiets days I have learned of so many things. I have learned of love of the father. My heart has been raw in front of the man I call on for help. My emotions have been wishy washy and my pride has been crushed.

During those days of quiet I have found peace. I have found laughter. I have found dancing. I have found refreshment. I have found faith. I have found joy.

I have renewed my mind. I have found my purpose.

I did all of this all alone. I did this with intention. I did this all in the quiet.

I am thankful for this quiet. It changed me.

Time's up :)


  1. Sounds like things are about to turn around (if they haven't already). Sometimes a little quiet is all we need to regroup. Great Five Minute Friday! I just completed my first one ever.

    1. It's mine too!!! Here is to the first of many firsts!!!

  2. Isn't is amazing how God can bring good out of a bad situation!
