Sunday, January 20, 2013


I have been thinking about, praying about bravery and courage for the past couple of days. This has been on my heart because I came across a blog on Friday while participating in Five Minute Friday with Lisa Jo Baker! It's such a fun thing to do. You should check it out.

Anyway, I came across this blog called Black and White With A Little Bit of Pink. The author of this blog is an amazingly courageous lady named Jess. Her daughter (step-daughter) has down-syndrome and she discusses very openly about the joy and her daily struggles with her (daughter's) disability. I strongly suggest that you hop over and check out her blog. All I could think of was the courage it took to be brave enough to open yourself up people you don't know. To put your heart out there so raw and exposed for the world to stomp on if they feel that she is wrong.

Such a courageous woman! There is a world full of courageous women if we look hard enough. I am not talking about the courage to jump from an airplane. I am not talking about the courage and bravery it takes to stand on the enemy lines and fight for our country. I am talking about silent courage. The courage that isn't obvious to us on the outside. The courage that only you know about.

courage is facing everyday knowing that you are raising a daughter while your husband fights for our country.

courage is listening to that still small voice and believing what it is saying to you.

courage is walking into a room full of women with the intent of leaving with a room full of friends.

courage is a 14 year old girl walking into a highschool with a smile on her face knowing that all she will face on the other side are strangers.

courage is making the next right choice when it is not the popular one.

courage is looking your past square in the face and taking it on like a beast!

courage is a woman pooring her life savings into a business that she has dreamed of for years not knowing if it will fail or succeed.

courage is a teenage girl walking up to a teenage boy and inviting him to a Sadie Hawkins dance (especially if he isn't part of the "group").

courage is bloggin your heart out knowing that you may never have a follower ever.

courage is saying YES to something new when your mind is screaming NO.

courage is NOT going with the flow just because everyone else does.

courage is looking the future square in the face and taking it on like a beast

Mostly, courage is knowing who you are in Christ and accepting it whole-heartedly without reservation. Courage is knowing that no matter where you have been in life and no matter where you go GOD is there. Courage is allowing him in your heart and letting him do the work. Courage is knowing that YOU ARE ENOUGH.

I personally know women doing the things above.

I have some B.R.A.V.E. ladies in my life. These ladies are full of courage. They are full of love. They are full of life.

They are full of C.O.U.R.A.G.E. Funny thing is, I don't know if they even know it.


  1. Thank you so much for the shout out and all the encouragement you have sent my way today!

    Starting my blog was not easy to do and there are times when I wonder if I'm supposed to keep going with it at all.

    Today I feel encouraged and know I am blessed. :) Thanks so much!

  2. Great post!
    Thank you for the encouragement for my wife.
    You are right on the money with that last line.
    I think great moral qualities come with the humility.

    1. I visited your blog today. I bet in real life our families would be great friends :) Your wife was such an inspiration for me! There are things on my blog that I WANT to say, NEED to say but am afraid of what others might think. NO MORE!! :)
      Thanks for stopping by!!
