Friday, October 19, 2012

31 Days to Seeing Through God's Eyes: Day 19-YOU ARE ORDINARY

Listen! Before you get mad and yell at the computer "I AM NOT ORDINARY" let me finish!

It was really hard for me to post this ordinary, make-up free, edit free picture of myself. I wanted to get rid of the wrinkles around the eyes. I wanted to airbrush it a little bit so the blemishes weren't so easily seen but I didn't. You know why?


This is the ordinary, everyday me. The me that gets up at 6am to get my 3 great kids ready for school. The me that packs my husbands lunch for work everyday. The me that makes the ONE ENTIRE HOUR round trip school route twice a day! The me that makes supper every night, bakes cookies for daycare, cleans out the garage, goes junkin' with my sister in law, plans events with a passion, listens to John Mayer, The Script and Jack Johnson while cleaning the house! Most importantly, the me that loves God with my whole heart, seeks out a relationship with Jesus and listens attentively to the Holy Spirit.

I have never been asked to guest post on a blog. My blog hasn't gone viral. don't have 100 followers (heck, I think there is just 3 lol). I haven't finished a 5k in less than 30 minutes. I haven't lost 100 pounds in a year. I haven't found my niche for organizing, fashion or hospitality and that is OK.

You see, the things that I have done. The things I do everyday, the ordinary things are more important to me.


Sometimes I find myself envious of others. Doesn't everyone?

That's when I remember Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you..."

The plans that HE has for me is much better than the plans that I have for me. The plans for me to touch the few that surround me everyday. The plans for me to be a great friend, counselor and confidant. The plans for me to influence my children in a way no one else can. To be a game changer! That's the ordinary me I will be. That's the ordinary me I will proudly be.

What does the ordinary you look like?

I challenge you to find the magical in the ordinary you today. Celebrate her! Celebrate her accomplishments no matter how big or small. Don't compare her to someone else.

Love her for exactly the woman she is because she is extraordinary :)

Happy Friday!

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