Before anyone notices it or reminds me, I know I missed Day 18 and Day 20. Sorry folks, life called and I had to answer.
This journey! Where are you on yours?
The particular life incident I am talking about led me to some soul searching myself. My sweet friend and my girls Nana passed away over the weekend after a LONG battle with cancer.
Here she is with her family! Aren't they sweet? They loved her so much!
She loved God with her whole heart. I heard her worship. I heard her pray. I watched her read the word. She believed in the power of healing yet she didn't receive it. Now, I don't have all the answers. I don't want to speculate what her walk with God was like, what type of relationship she had with Jesus or on where she was in her heart. That sure wouldn't be fair but what I do wonder is
Where are you on this journey? If you were to get really sick, would your heart yield to the promises? If you experience a life changing situation, would you yield to the power in you to change it?
God gave us all we need the moment you received Jesus. The same power that raised Jesus from the grave is in us right now. The power that the lady with the issue of blood felt come from Jesus' garment (not his body, his garment-THAT IS POWER PEOPLE) is in us! The healing power that healed the blind man, YUP we got that too.
All the promises are YES and AMEN.
Find out for yourself what the promises are! Revelation is an amazing thing! Search out the word for the promises then really search your heart and be honest with yourself about where you are! Do you believe they are for YOU and not just for someone else. Do you believe somewhere in your heart that you DESERVE what is happening to you? Really search your heart. Really find out the truth that YOU believe about YOURSELF.
Don't fool yourself into thinking you believe the promises only to find out in your time of need that you don't.
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